We Made It!

Sorry...yes, we made it! You probably know that if you're as connected to your singers as they are to their cell phones. ;-) After we arrived 40(!) minutes early in Portland and claimed all of our luggage, our trusty motor coach and driver were waiting to take us to our hotel.

On Sunday, we lost an hour of sleep and were less than bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when it was time to head to Vancouver, WA for our first concert. We had to meet in the lobby, and, surprisingly, several groups of guys played analog (i.e.: board) games. They left all their controllers in their rooms.

Nice photo bomb by Shatter, who was enjoying his first time in a tuxedo!

Fresco had a little trouble understanding the concept of an Objet d'Art.

The weather was clear and cool, with unobstructed views of Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens (below, from the bus). Coincidentally, Mt. St. Helen's erupted on the day I graduated from college, so my class is called the St. Helensians.

Our first concert was at Columbia Presbyterian Church in Vancouver, Washington (just over the river from Portland). We had a nice, appreciative audience. But, alas, there were no UVa alumni in attendance at all. But there were four folks from my alma mater (Pomona) there, so it wasn't a total loss. 😉

Our student-run a cappella group, sometimes known as the Gleemen, sometimes known as the Subset, and sometimes known as the Flamingtones, practiced in the sanctuary and then gave an enthusiastic performance during the concert.

Sing it, Kilojoule! And conduct it, Mildew!

After the concert, the bus had a little trouble making a sharp turn in the parking lot, so an old singing buddy of mine kindly held back a tree so the bus could escape unharmed.

The guys were on their own for dinner, but a bunch of them went to the Old Spaghetti Factory, a west-coast family-owned chain celebrating their 50th anniversary. Lots of pasta for not a lot of money. Music to their ears!

I feel sorry for their server...

Some of them actually put down their phones long enough to order food!

Snapple and Llama...this doesn't look good...

Midas observes, warily...

At least Fresco and Lumber found a task that matched their artistic talents! 🤣


  1. Thank you so much for doing this! We love being able to keep up with you guys!


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